How to improve print quality of DLP printer?

 Quality of print depends on the specification of printer like X/Y accuracy, laser size and other parameters. This are the limits how precise and accurate your printed will be. But there are also other factors that can improve quality of 3D printing. Here we will explore all settings and factors that will improve your printer way you never imagined.

 1) Layer Thickness 

Layer thickness is height of each cured layer. Less layer thickness will improve the quality of model but be careful while selecting layer thickness because if you decrease layer thickness than number of layers will increase and so will time to complete. Let’s understand this using one 3D model if you have one cube with height of 10mm to print in printer. Select layer thickness according to geometry of your model. if your model has less detail parts than you can print it using more layer thickness.

2) Exposure

Exposure of layers play significant role in quality of print. you need to make sure that your printer is not running in under exposure or over exposure. So how will you find out? here is trick print given model and examine result. If print fails or support breaking, sagged and skewed happens than it is result of under exposure. Over exposure would result in loss of detail and strong adhesion to the resin tank. if none of these problems found during printing or after printing than your printer is running in right exposure otherwise you have to change the exposure time.

3) Orientation 

Orientation of part in different angle affects the quality of print. sudden change in model structure from small dimension to large dimension will lead to visible layer line and shrinkage of printing. So before directly printing your part think about different orientation. Take one model you want to print clone this model multiple times and arrange them in different orientation like shown in image. Analysis the result of print quality and find which orientation gives best print quality.


Aliasing is stair case effect that occur when diagonal or curved line or boarders are drawn on raster displays consisting of square or rectangular pixels. Anti-aliasing is to smooth object edges by reducing the number of lines and vertical artifacts you see on 3D model. some slicer provide anti-aliasing level with 2/4/8, after special algorithm processing, it make model more smooth and exquisite reduces edge aliasing.

There is other factor also like support structure, lift speed that affect print quality but mainly given factors improves the quality of print in any DLP printer. Post processing also play significant role in quality of print. follow these steps to use maximum of your printer.